Philadelphia, PA Sex Crimes Lawyers
Fighting To Keep You Off Of Megan's Law
Award-Winning Sex Crimes Lawyers in Philadelphia, PA & NJ
The minute police begin an investigation into sex crime allegations, your entire life changes. Every mistake you may have made at the time will be made public and could make you look guilty no matter what. If you have been accused of a sex offense, you need the help of one of our experienced Philadelphia sex crimes lawyers immediately. Call us at 267-225-2545 to discuss your case and how we can help.
Second to only murder, the potential consequences and social stigma associated with sex offenses are the greatest of any charges you could face under Pennsylvania law. Even many misdemeanor sex offense convictions carry with them the likelihood of mandatory Megan's Law registration for periods of 15 years or more. For cases regarding aggravated indecent assault, rape, prostitution, sexual abuse of a child, and any other sex crime, Megan’s Law requires State Police to make information available to the public regarding registered sex offenders.
Our experienced criminal lawyers have the knowledge and skills necessary to aggressively defend against both state and federal sex charges. We offer a free 15-minute criminal defense strategy session to anyone who is facing allegations that they committed a sex crime or any other type of offense. We represent clients charged with all types of sex crimes in state and federal court, including:
Title IX Defense and Campus Sexual Misconduct Investigations
Failure to Report and/or Register
It is extremely important to remember that you should speak with one of our criminal defense lawyers before agreeing to give a statement to a law enforcement officer. Our sex crime attorneys can evaluate the allegations and circumstances and provide advice on whether it makes sense to give a statement or consider taking a polygraph test.
Anything you say after an arrest may be used against you in court, and you are better off consulting with a sex crime attorney before trying to talk your way out of it - even if you have not done anything wrong. Once an incriminating statement has been made, it will be extremely difficult to have the statement excluded from evidence or defend against the charges at trial. In many cases, we have been able to successfully have statements suppressed, but regardless, you should always speak with one of our sex crime attorneys first. Click here to learn more about what to do if the police want to ask you some questions.
Not all sex crimes are charged as felonies, but even if you are facing a misdemeanor, the potential consequences could be very severe.
Third-degree misdemeanor: Max of 1-year jail sentence, fines up to $2,000
Second-degree misdemeanor: Max of 2-year jail sentence, fines up to $5,000
First-degree misdemeanor: Max of 5-year jail sentence, fines up to $10,000
Third-degree felony: Max of 7-year jail sentence, fines up to $15,000
Second-degree felony: Max of 10-year jail sentence, fines up to $25,000
First-degree felony: Max up to 20-year jail sentence, fines up to $25,000
Rape case - defined as the use of unlawful force to engage in sexual intercourse with another individual without consent - are specifically punished more harshly depending on the details of the situation. The highly qualified sex crime lawyers at Goldstein Mehta can provide you the strongest possible defense, regardless of whether you are facing a few years in prison or a life sentence.
Common Defenses in Sex Cases
Despite the seriousness of Megan's Law charges, there are often defenses sex crime attorneys could use to help you in court. These potential defenses include:
Motions to Suppress. In every case, the prosecution must show that the police and other investigators followed the law and the requirements of the Constitution. If the police conducted an illegal search, failed to obtain a warrant when so required, or obtained a coerced or un-mirandized confession, our sex crime attorneys may be able to have the damaging evidence suppressed so that it cannot be used at trial.
Motions in Limine. Sex cases often involve litigating important pre-trial motions dealing with the admissibility of crucial evidence. For example, in rape cases, Pennsylvania law generally prohibits the defense from inquiring into the sexual history of a complainant on cross-examination. However, if the defense can show that there is something about the complainant's sexual history which would give the complainant a bias against the defendant or a reason to fabricate the allegations, then it may be possible to expand the scope of cross-examination. This type of Motion in Limine is called a Rape Shield Motion, and it can be an extremely important issue in a rape case. Our sex crime attorneys are extremely well-versed on the law and the types of pre-trial motions which could affect the outcome of your case and lead to a successful result.
Trial by Jury. In every case, no matter what the charges, the prosecution must prove each element of each offense beyond a reasonable doubt to a 12-member jury of your peers. Our sex crime lawyers have taken countless cases to trial before judges and juries and obtained a winning outcome for our clients. We stand ready to thoroughly investigate the allegations against you, attempt to locate exculpatory evidence and witnesses, and tirelessly fight for you.
Our sex crime lawyers understand how sensitive these subjects are and how uncomfortable it can be to discuss these types of charges with a stranger. Therefore, we offer a free, completely confidential consultation to anyone who is charged with or potentially facing charges related to sex crimes, including indecent assault, rape, child pornography, solicitation, and more.
Call 267-225-2545 for a complimentary 15-minute criminal defense strategy session with one of our Philadelphia sex crimes attorneys who have dealt with these issues before, will keep your consultation completely private, and will provide sound legal advice without judgment.
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